Simcoe Deed rejected by Joseph Brant

Posted on December 10th, 2019 by in History Read 4215 Times.

The Grand River Mohawks are named as distinctly separate in both the Haldimand Pledge of 1779 as well as the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784.

The Grand River Mohawks are set apart as the only named real party in interest of the near million acres of the original Haldimand Proclamation of 1784.

Such Other or Stranger refers to a person who is not a party to a particular transaction. In Kirk v. Morris, 40 Ala. 225 (Ala. 1866), it was observed that the word “stranger” was substituted for the words “or some other person.” However, both were intended to mean the same thing, namely, a person not a party to the suit, who acts for the benefit of the defendant in attachment.

Joseph Brant and the Grand River Mohawks denied Simcoe’s Grant of 1793, as it was made for the province of Upper Canada, named “Six Nations” as the real party in interest to Grand River Mohawk territory and placed the instrument under Canada’s domestic jurisdiction, naming the mohawk as resident subjects and not British allies.

It is documented and confirmed by Governor Simcoe himself, in a letter to his superior Lord Dorchester, Dec. 22, 1795 that Joseph Brant and the Grand River Mohawks rejected the proposed Simcoe Grant of 1793. Lord Dorchester assured Brant the original instrument would be honored.

Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks exists as the oldest building in Upper Canada and stands as a reminder of the significance of the role and relationship the Mohawks had as allies and protectors of these territories.

FourtyBee is an outlet to publish aerial photos, videos, and stories about the evolution of drone technology, documenting ongoing land encroachments; residential and commercial development. We capture images, videos and stories from landmarks to people, we research the history of Grand River Country (and beyond) from a Mohawk perspective.

An 1828 document exists showing “Six Nations” leased Grand River Mohawk lands to the New England Company to build the first Indian Residential School.


Plan of the several parcels of land at the Mohawk Village on the Grand River, Township of Brantford, Gore District, [Ont.], to be granted to the New England Company for the benefit of the Mohawk Institution [cartographic material] / Lewis Burwell, Dy. Surveyor

An 1870 document exists where the New England Company proposed that “Six Nations” take over control and operations of the “Mohawk Institute”, providing they specifically target Mohawk children.

The “Six Nations” signed on in agreement.

Ontario Court Documents (Court File No.: 406/95 p.13) clearly states “Six Nations” has NO treaties with Canada.

The “Six Nations” have signed treaties of their own, with the United States; with no Grand River Mohawk signatories or participation.

  • 1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix
  • 1789 Treaty of Fort Harmor
  • 1794 Treaty of Canandaigua
  • 1842 Treaty of Buffalo Creek

Transcript from Podcast clip

…Then red jacket stands up and he addresses the assembly by saying, brother, we, the citizens of the Six Nations will now tell our minds. The business of this treaty is to break the chain of friendship between us and the 15 fires. And that 15 fires is alluding to. At this point, America had grown to 15 states. So that’s where that symbology comes from. But although the 15 fires of the United States government were represented, not all of the six nations were necessarily represented at this treaty.

That’s right. You see, there were some members of the Mohawk nation present, but there were no Mohawks in attendance. And the reason is Joseph Brant, of course, Pickering really wanted Brant to come, but he just did not. Instead, he decided to head to Detroit to deal with the aftermath from the battle of fallen timbers. One of our friends and listeners named Ben Doolittle actually wrote me and corrected me, saying it wasn’t six nations there.

It was only five. And I was like, what? No, the treaty says Six Nations. You must be wrong. Don’t tell a Mohawk that they’re wrong because I looked it up and he’s totally right. So why did the Six Nations get written on the treaty? Well, Pickering, I actually found out I did write Joseph and explain that because he said, quote, As one of the six nations, I did not think it proper to name them as not included in the treaty.

I consider the whole six as forming one Confederate nations. So that’s him trying to sweet talk is saying, look, I know you guys didn’t want to come, but I wrote it in their six nations because I wanted to make sure that if the Mohawk wanted to join in on what we’ve got going on here, that we’ve got it written that way. So if you want to get on board with it, great. So that’s where the confusion really comes from.

So I hope that clarifies things. So even to this day, it’s kind of a bit of contention between the Mohawk and the other of the five nations on whether the Treaty of Canada was a good thing or not. A lot of the Mohawk point to the Treaty of Canada when they’re trying to deal with land rights. So they are kind of saying that they will go along with it. But they will also point out that we did never we never signed on to this.

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Tags: buffalo creek, canadaihua, fort harmor, fort stanxix, joseph brant, simcoe deed, simcoe patent, six nations, treaty. Want to see all the Tags?

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